Tuesday, August 29, 2006

T.O. hit the snooze button T.O. many times!!!!

Apparently Terrell Owens claims he overslept which caused him to miss his rehabilitation assignment and team meeting this past weekend, ultimately leading to his $9.500 fine. "I think everybody has overslept, you know, once or twice in their life," Owens told the AP. "It's not a big deal," he said. "It was not something I purposely tried to do. It's something that I will try to make more of an effort, a better effort, to get here on time. Other than that, it's really not a big issue."

Come on T.O. you didn't do it purposely??? You can surely come up with a better excuse than oversleeping? Your dog ate your playbook, your car wouldn't start? Your house was on fire?

Apparently, the Cowboys don't seem to care about him missing these meetings either. Jerry Jones was interviewed and said it's not ruining any relationships in the clubhouse. Well Jerry why don't you allow the rest of the Cowboys sleep in, show up late, and miss rehab assignments when they're hurt too. We're pretty sure that if this was Terry Glenn, or any other player on the roster for that matter, he would have used far more disipline and even given a possible pink slip.

We've got news for you, the alarm clock is over 200 hundred years old, and you might want to go out and get one. (photo/AP)


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