Monday, August 28, 2006


The New "Mouth of the South" Terrell Owens is continuing
his antics with the Dallas Cowboys. According to he's supposedly being fined $9,500 (which is
like $20 to him) because of a missed rehabilitation
appointment and didn't show up for an offensive
meeting this past weekend. (AP)

So far this year T.O. has "turned his hamstring injury
into an attention-getter by flying in specialists to
help him rehabilitate and wearing a cycling team
outfit one day while pedaling a stationary bicycle".(AP)
SportsRx isn't denying that he's hurt, but come on, how
many players have been in the NFL during the leagues'
existence who have played with far worse injuries than
this, oh what the old school players must think!

Finally what happened to the "new T.O." that he vowed
he would make the Cowboys not regret signing
him....seems like a man of his word if you ask us.

AHHHH can you imagine if T.O. would have only kept his
mouth shut during the past few years, I can only
imagine the amount of jack he would have right now in
endorsements, well but that's something he will have
to live with when he's 50 I guess!


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