Friday, October 13, 2006

Marching Band's Even Haze Their Members

Hazing happens all the time in sports, fraternities, sororities, and various other groups, but a marching band? WOW!

The University of Wisconsin put its marching band on probation because members routinely engaged in hazing and rowdiness involving alcohol and sexual acts, school officials said.

"It has become increasingly clear that certain types of sexualized and hazing behavior are an ingrained part of the band's culture," Chancellor John Wiley said Thursday. "We will not provide an ongoing venue for this inappropriate and demeaning behavior."
The school said the band's behavior was so notorious that the athletic department sets aside money so that cheerleaders and the dance squad can travel in separate buses to avoid harassment.

"We had multiple reports of highly sexualized banter taking place that made several women in particular feel quite uncomfortable," Nagy said. "We had dancing and disrobing taking place that made some people feel not only uncomfortable but unsafe."

When you hear Wisconsin Badgers in trouble for hazing, you might think the football team, but certainly not the band!



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